Thursday 12 December 2013

Plannin' Title Sequence: The Creation of Props

Well, as I could say so far, the creation and development of the props is the most difficult thing in our title sequence. Because me and Mantas are creating a title sequence inspired by se7en, it was necessary to produce a lot of unusual props. As you have seen preveously in my posts, we already created the death certificate and the newspaper. However, to make it look creepy, firstly, we crumpled the paper and the streightened it using the iron. This was a very entertaininig process. After that, we put a little dye on both papers and let it dry. In the end we got amazing creepy documents , similar to which were used in Se7en title sequence.

Monday 9 December 2013

Promotion and Marketing of 'The World Of Tomorrow'

As you all know, from previous posts, me and my groupmate Mantas, are producing the title sequence for the film plan which I produced.
As an assessment we were asked to put some ideas about how our film is going to be PROMOTED and MARKETED.
In my opinion promoting a film is one of the most important things to do. In order to get the audience's attention, it is necessary to know the promoting techniques. You have to think about the genre of thr film (in my case it is drama/thriller) and waht age group it is going to attract. After you thought about it a lot of things need to be done.
Here are some promotion ideas, which I would use to promote my movie:
1) Print advertising. In my opinion this one of the most important promotion techniques. For example, you can make a deal with famous newspaper or magazine and stick some advertisements on their covers. This will allow readers to see the image of the movie.
2) Trailers. Using trailers is also very important to consider. A good trailer must be made to screen it in cinemas or TV's. Also it could be spread on radio, so people will listen the advertising, as well as see it in the newspapers.
3) Create Internet sites. The creation of useful website with all the information about the film (eg. release date, screening time, trailers) will attract more and more audience as the film will become more notiecable. As well as websites, a Facebook fan page could be crated. Facebook is the biggest social network in the world, so spreading the advertisements in the web would be very useful.
4) Merchandising . Merchandising is the creation of something unusual: comic books, t-shirts, food, soundtrack CDs, computer games, toys, cars, mobile phones, anything that can be associated with the brand of the movie could be produced. (for example, when 'Iron Man 3' came out, I bought a t-shirt, saying Marvel on it, as well as the image of Iron Man)
Also there are some more ways to Promote the film. The publicity department of a studio can use the talent (actors, director, screenwriter) attached to a movie (they have contractual obligations to do what the studio asks) and will try to gain maximum benefit from the following:
5) Star Interviews. Perhaps, this is the most important tecnique that could be used. Im my case, The stars in the movie, such as, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, and Ellen Page, could promote the film when they are being interviwed or at some film festivals. When someone such famous as Brad Pitt talks about the movie, and advertises it as well, more audience would want to see it.
The main difference about promotion and marketing, is that marketing is how you sell the product and promotion is how audience gets to know about the product. They are very closely linked.
Promoting a product involves activities like advertising, direct selling, or other ways of generating a sale. Selling or promoting a product is just a part of the marketing. Marketing involves a range of activities like market research, developing a new product, analysing market conditions which may effect the sale of a product and a lot more.
So in order to successfully market a movie, it is necessary to know a lot of things. For example, which age group, you would want to affect your movie! However when you have to think carefuuly for this one. 'The World of Tomorrow' is a thriller movie, however it is PG 15 not 18. This allows more audience to view the movie at cinemas, therefore more money could be made from it. The genre is also very important when market a movie.
This very useful website tells you everything about classification and how movies should be classified. 

Friday 6 December 2013

Risk Assessment

How to assess the risks in your workplace

Follow the five steps in our leaflet: Five steps to risk assessment .
  1. Identify the hazards
As you might think, it is a silly process of identifing the risks which may occur during filming. However, if you think about it, you might think of many!!! For example, as we use a lit of lights in our title sequence, and an ELECTRICAL SHOCK might occur. Also there is a possibility of TRIPPING AND BREAK YOUR NECK . In addition, we use STRING AND NIDDLE in our title sequence which might be dangerous

     2. Decide who might be harmed and how

Well, as you think about it, everyone could be harmed. For example, a cameraman could trip over and break his neck. Or we, by accident of course, might drop a string with the niddle, and some one could step on it. Basically everyone is in danger!!


     3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution

In my opinion, the possibility of those risks and hazards happening is very low. If somehow they would happen (and they wouldn't) there will be no any danger to your life. For example, stepping on the niddle is, of course, harmful, however, there will be no any danger!

Don’t overcomplicate the process. In many organisations, the risks are well known and the necessary control measures are easy to apply. You probably already know whether, for example, you have employees who move heavy loads and so could harm their backs, or where people are most likely to slip or trip. If so, check that you have taken reasonable precautions to avoid injury.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Plannin' title sequence DAY 1

So as we know what to do, me and my groupmate Mantas (click here for his blog), came up with a few ideas how exactly we are going to produce my title sequence. We tried to create a so-called production plan, so we can follow it step by step, in order to achieve the best.
According to the graphical representatiojn of the title sequence, there are several things that we need to foolow:
1)The location of filming. In order to produce, this title sequence, the location is not really that important. Perhaps, the most important thing to consider is lightning. Originally, title sequence  has to be dark and mesterious. In order to film this title sequence, we are going to use our college's Photography building, where we can find all the necessary props and li
ghts. I would repeat myself here, by saying that lightning is the most important thing to consider.
2)The props. The props that we needed were quite complicated. Mantas and I decided to create a list of props. These include: the death certificate, a old newspaper, very detailed notes, paper cut knife, black marker, a letter/post card, a needle with a string, a mans photo, and the introduction video of 21st century Fox production company. However, there were some props that we needed to create ourselves. Foe example, a newspaper article and the death certificate.(See the photos)
3)The equipments. In order to create this title sequence, several equipments are needed. For example, a computer with iMovie insalled on it (MacBook) and a camera, with a tripod to film the close-up shots successfully. Also we might need a dark room, like in our photography studio, (where images are developing) in order to film in a dark location!
4)People. The title sequence does not require a lot of people, which makes it much more enjoyable to make! We only need a person's hands. The title sequence is going to be fillmed by using close-up shots. (Check out the SE7EN title sequence to get an idea)

Monday 2 December 2013

Plannin' Title Sequence

So, we have decided to do a couple of title sequences, which we produced as a class. Mine was in that list!! When I was planning out how the title sequence is going to be filmed, I did not want it to be in several locations. However, in order to film this title sequencen, a lot of props are needed! Those include:
1)Computer with iMovie, Mac, in order to edit our filmed scenes
2)Actor (only one). However, to create a dark atmosphere, the actor have to be in the style of SE7EN title sequence.
3)Death sertificate, it appears in the biggining of title sequence.
4) Some documents and papers, with something spilled on them E.g. blood, ground, coffee
5) Some books, covered with the dirt
6) The video introduction represented by 21st century Fox

Friday 29 November 2013

 5 Main Points to Consider

1)research target audience
2)test promotion and marketing
3)consider classification
4)test storyboard
5)plan production

Consider classification

I believe my film should be classified as '15' because it may contain a lot of violence scenes as well as strong language being used from time to time. No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age.

Is 15 really stronger than 12A?

Yes. 15 works are stronger than 12 or 12A rated works and could include any of the following:
  • strong violence
  • frequent strong language (eg 'f***').
  • portrayals of sexual activity
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking

Can there be strong violence?

Yes, at 15 violence may be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.
Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.
Easily accessible weapons may not be glamorised.

Althoug, these classifications would be considered in my film, they would not be in such a high proportions as '18' movies. I chose the '15' classification because I really want to attract more audience. If I would chose '18' film, those who are under 18 years old will not be able to watch this movie, however I want to take the maximum from '15' and try to approach to '18' films!!

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Product Price Placing Promotion

A film needs to be clearly identifiable in its marketing — genre, stars, story, special
effects, style all need to be presented to the audience so they can select the film on the basis of content
A film has to have the right release date — Christmas for a Christmas movie etc. Its release date will also depend on what else is being released at the same time - films have to fight it out for cinema screens. It would be pointless releasing any big action adventure movie the same weekend as another one simply because cinema goers would choose between it and the competition, thus halving the box office takings. It makes more sense to put a romantic comedy in that release slot, to mop up the movie-goers who are not interested in big screen action

Promotion for films takes many forms:

  • Print advertising (posters + ads in newspapers & magazines)
  • Trailers (screened at cinemas + on TV/radio)
  • Internet sites (including Facebook 'fan' pages)
  • Viral Videos
  • Merchandising — the list is endless books, t-shirts, food, soundtrack CDs, computer games, toys, cars, mobile phones, anything that can be associated with the brand of the movie
Publicity The publicity department of a studio can use the talent (actors, director, screenwriter) attached to a movie (they have contractual obligations to do what the studio asks) and will try to gain maximum benefit from the following:
  • Star Interviews — in print, online and broadcast media
  • 'Making Of' documentaries, set reports and viral videos add to the hype
  • Gala Premieres — who's wearing what frock
  • Reviews and profiles —Empire front cover anyone?
  • News stories - who did what on set and what records has this movie broken?


Monday 25 November 2013

Graphical Representation of Storyboard

We were asked to produce the graphical representation of the storyboard which we drew previously.In order to do this, I took each picture separately, added some effects and created a slide show. This slide show, shows the idea of my title sequence. However, it does not show every detail, which could be presented in the actual film, as well as title sequence! I understand that this title sequence is not easy to film, however if eventually it is going to be filmed, it will look great. However, a lot of preparation and equipments are needed , to film this title sequence correctly, without any slips. 

 Also the atmosphere in this title sequence is not "comfortable" as you probably noticed when watched a video. This is because of the genre I chose. Thriller and drama is no the happy combination. I tried this title sequence to look pretty much like SE7EN. The soundtrack that was chosen, in my opinion, is a great choice for the created graphical representation, because it gives special mood of unexpectedness to this video. (The OST "Back to Black" from Great Gasby)

Thursday 14 November 2013

Credits for my Film

00:05 - The Distributer: 20th Century Fox
00:08 - The Producer: Arnold Kopelson
00:11 - Directed by: David Fincher
00:14 - Brad Pitt
00:17 - Ellen Page
00:21 - Harrison Ford
00:25 - AnnSophia Robb
00:29 - title of the film
Secondary Casts
00:34 - Donald MacDonald
00:37 - Caterine James
00:40 - Jonathan Lempard
00:45 - Colin Firth, Keaunu Reeves
00:49 - Simon Pegg, Christoff Moon, Gerard Tem
00:56 - Michel Loom, Ethan Embry, Stuart Moore
01:01 - Paul Trainor, Christine Rosy, Jessica Bell
01:06 - Casting by - John Wood, Billy Hopkins, Will Zich
01:12 - Music by - Kobe Tran
01:17 - Costumes by - Mike Nicolson, Tim Pack, Joseph Wright
01:22 - Edited by - Drew Kempbell
01:25 - Production Designed by - Max Tooley
01:32 - Director of Photography - Darius Khondji
01:37 - Co Producers - Lee Brown, Arnold Crowley, Albert Wen
01:43 - Co-Executive Producers - Dmitri Steen, Colin MacPherson
01:47 - Executive Producers - Dan Hoop, Lindsey Burell, Stewart Patterson
01:51 - Written by - Jerad Menchard
01:54 - Produced by - Arnold Kopelson
01:58 - Directed by - David Fincher
02:02 - Title of the Film

Monday 11 November 2013


We were asked by our Media Studies teacher to produce the film idea, and then to create a title sequence for this film.

Honestly saying, it wasn't the easiest thing for me, because I am one of those who cannot create, however I came up with a few ideas.


A young man, who is a tallented computer genius, one day discoveres that he hacked a way into parallel world, and he can now adjust the ''setting''s and rewrite the code as he likes, as a result creating a perfect world.
However, after thinking carefully, for one more time, I thought that it is not the best idea, in terms of producing a title sequence. If the film is about a computer genius, it has to be an actual computer in title sequence and computers just look awful on the screen! So I rejected this idea.

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Adventure


My second idea had to be, to create a film about football, however I had to make sure that there is the main idea, a so-called plot of a film, not only a green grass and a ball. It was necessary to come up with an idea that would attract audience to watch this film. In addition, I thought that creating a film based on football, would be difficult because, in order to produce a title sequence for this film, I had to go on a football match and film there. So I rejected this idea, too.

Genre: Sport/Action


While, I was thinking for a better idea, I considered the fact that a lot of films are based on a true stories, and recent fims, which were produced in Hollywood were based on a true story. In addition, it is easier to attract more audience and are much easier to make because you already have an idea, what's film is going to be about.
So I decided to search for some strange true stories, which could be the idea for the film and that is what I got:

Postcard Farewell

When Jim Wilson’s father died in Natal, South Africa, in April 1967, both Jim, living in England, and his sister Muriel, living in Holland, were informed. Muriel contacted her husband who was on business in Portugal, and he flew to South Africa right away. Changing planes at Las Palmas airport in the Canary Islands, he bought a postcard showing holidaymakers on Margate Beach, Natal, and sent it to Muriel. It was she who noticed that the photograph showed her father walking up the beach.

The Biggining
The film starts with introsuction of  Jim and Muriel's dad. He lives in South Africa with his second wife. One day he was returning home from work. It was a dark night and he did not see the lorry going on the road. In the hospital, doctors did everything they could, in order to save his live...

Also during the first part of the film, there is a brief introduction of two sisters.

The Middle
In the middle of the film, two sisters got informed about their father's death. After which, Mariel called her husband, and told him what has happened. Her husband, immidiately, went to South Africa from his business trip in Portugal. On the way back, he bought a postcard, which he sent to his wife.

The Ending
After the funerals, Jim went back to England, where she lived. Muriel and her husband went back to Holland. During the supper, Muriel noticed a man, looking like her dad on the postcard. She picked up a postcard and looked closely at it, she noticed that it was her dad walking near Margate Beach. She got the feeling that her father did not die, because she felt the presence of him.

HOWEVER there is a flashback to the car crash, where Jim's and Muriel's father, managed to survive the car crash. After a 7 month recovery, Jack tried to understand who orgonised his murder. After a few month, of working, he finally understands who and why did that. So Jack decides to take revenge, by killing his ex-business partners.

After the work is done, Jack is finaly free, and he now wants to visit his two daughters, however he realises that it is not the right thing, because they both think he is dead. He askes his close friend, who helped him to find the organisers of his murder, to give the letter, to his daughter after many years, when his Jim and Muriel would recover from their dad's death. (they don't know that he is alive).

After, ten years, when everything and everyone is forgotten, daughters receive this special letter, where everything is explained... They tried to search for their father, however that was purposeless...
Genre: Drama / Thriller
Target Age: 18+

I thought that this story is very sad, but cool at the same time, therefore it is going to attract enough audience, because the idea is quite good and unusual.

Out of all three ideas, which I had so far, this one I like the most!!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Comparison of title sequences

Comparison of the title sequences

As you already saw previously on the blog, ''The Conjuring'' title sequence, was my first choice. For the second title sequence I have chosen ''A Number 23'' which, in my opinion, was different from my first work in a number of ways:

1) How the actual sequence was set up.
''A Number 23'' title sequence was much more complicated than ''Conjuring'' in terms of setting up. It had a lot of information in it, while the other title sequence, was just straightaway. For example, ''A Number 23'' title sequence, consisted of a lot of facts, which were associated or had the number 23 in it. In my opinion, this made the title sequence 'special', because while, you are watching it, the mysterious idea with number 23, which the producers tried to show, are stuck inside the audience's heads by the time the film starts.

2)The backtone
The music in background of both title sequences, made it clear that it is not going to be the comedy. However, the backtone for ''Number 23'' might seem a little happier than the one, which was playing in ''Conjuring''. Obviously, it could be explained that the two films have differnt genres. ''A number 23'', is an American psychological thriller, while ''The Conjuring'', is a supernatural horror film. This explains, why both title sequences had two different backtones.

3)The similarities
Despite the different genres, all title sequences have something in common. These two was not an exeption. Both title sequences have similar so - called 'outlines'. They both show the titles and directors' names at the beginning, as well as at the end. Also the actor's names are located in more in the middle of both sequences, followed by producers, production designers, directors' of photography, etc.

4) The colours that were used in title sequences
Colour is very important feature in creating title sequence, because the colour determines the mood of the film. In my case, I had two different title sequences, if talking about colour. ''The Conjuring'' was not a colourfull title sequence. Gray and black colours dominated in the actual sequence. The reason why it was a dark title sequence, was because of the genre. Horror films are often dark. However, ''A Number 23'' title sequence, was dominated by beige and red. Red is the blood colour, and that is what you expect from psychological thriller.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Timeline of the title sequence

Timeline of the title sequences

We were given a model title sequence of a movie called "Juno". However, it was not just a regular analysis, it was fully analyzed timeline. By timeline, I mean that every single second of the sequence was examined and put on a line, with a description of what comes next. E.g. 7 casts from 45s -1:17.

Here is the timeline we were given as an example:

It is clearly visible, that this timeline was fully developed and well sketched. After that, we had to choose our own title sequence, and make our own timeline, according to example.

I chose the "Conjuring" title sequence, and this is what I analyzed and sketched:

Analization of the title sequence

As you may see, my timeline is quite similar, to the example, that we were distributed. What is
interesting about this title sequence, is that in 2:03 minutes, it has a lot of titles in it, which means that time was used very effectively.

I counted 21 titles with 11 casts in it. Casts did not take a lot of time, 00:51 - 1:25, the producesrs of this title sequence managed to put 11 casts in 34 seconds. As you may see on my timeline, the rest of the titles were who the film was directed by, produced by, who wrote the music for it and etc. Also you could notice that the title of the film had appered at the beggining and more towards the ending of the timeline, as well as, James Wann's name (the director).

Also you might have noticed from the timeline, that each cast takes from 5 to 9 seconds, than followed by another one. In this title sequence the casting credits appear in the middle, like in most tiltle sequences. Another important point is that towards the end, the name of the distributer company appers, indicating the importance of the distributer.

"The Conjuring" title sequence

The way the title sequence was set up, was a little bit strange. From the beginning, some kind of  "psycho" soundtrack was playing, then followed by family pictures and newspaper articles. This already suggests that the movie is not going to be happy.


Monday 21 October 2013

Captain Phillips (2013)

The Films I Chose...

Captain Phillips (2013)


Movie thriller



Photo gallery

Distributor: Columbia Pictures
Release Date: October 11, 2013
Starring: Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed, Mahat M. Ali, Michael Chernus, Corey Johnson, Max Martini, Chris Mulkey, Yul Vazques, and David Warshofsky
Directed by: Paul Greengrass
Produced by: Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca, and Scott Rudin
Written by: Billy Ray

Box Office

As of October 20, 2013, Captain Phillips has grossed $53,300,000 in North America, and $9,100,000 in other countries, for a worldwide total of $62,400,000

Captain Phillips is a multi-layered examination of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S container ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Samali pirates. It is - through director Paul Greengrass's distinctive lens - simultaneously a pulse-pounding thriller, and a complex portrait of the myraid effects of globalization. The film focuses on the relationship between the Alabama's commanding officer, Captain Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), and the Somali pirate captain, Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who takes him hostage. Phillips and Muse are set on an unstoppable collision course when Muse and his crew target Phillips' unarmed ship; in the ensuing standoff, 145 miles off the Somali coast, both men will find themselves at the mercy of forces beyond their control.

Promotion and Marketing

The Posters were used very effectively in order to advertise the 'Captain Phillips' movie. Also TV advertisements was very good method to attract some audience.
Because the film is based on a true story, more audience want to see this movie.

Here are some examples:

Also Tom Hanks and the movie "team" went to the London film festival. The Festival showcases the best of world cinema to champion creativity, originality, vision and imagination, and presents the finest contemporary international cinema from both established and emerging film-makers. On the London film festival Tom Hanks were interviewed about what was his experience, and how he feels about the film. Also  London film festival is a perfect way to promote the film, and that is exactly how, Tom Hanks and Paul Greengrass used the festival.

Tom Hanks and Paul Greengrass at the London Film Festival

Tom Hanks at the London Film Festival

Samalian Pirates and Tom Hanks (in the middle)

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Distributed by: Columbia Pictures
Director: Cody Cameron and Kris Peam
Screenplay: John Francis Daley, Jonathan M. Goldstein and Erica Rivinoja, based on characters created by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett
Starring: The voice of Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Will Forte, Terry Crews, Kristen Schaal and Andy Samberg 
Duration and Release Date: 1 hour, 35 minutes. September 27, 2013

Official Trailer

Marketing and Promotion

To launch "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2," Sony Pictures Animation is joining forces with several fresh produce companies and plans to donate more than 200,000 pounds of food to the nation's hungriest families. In addition, the participating food growers - including California Giant Berry Farms, Cal-Organic Farms, Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Grimmway Farms and the National Watermelon Promotion Board - will donate more than 80,000 pounds of fresh produced to Feeding America's nationwide network of food banks during the August and September timeframe leading up to the movie's release in September.

Distribution and Box Office

"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2" was distributed worldwide by Columbia. As of october 21, 2013, "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2" has grossed $93,137,000 in North America, and $31,100,000 in other countries, for a worldwide total of $124,237,000. In North America, the film earned $9.3 million on its opening day, and opened #1 in its first weekend, with $34,017,930. In its second weekend, the film dropped to #2 grossing an additional $20,950,192.

The Distribution of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" was crucially important. In order to attract more and more audience (especially kinds and teenagers), the Distributers had to make sure to create posters, TV commercials, and much more. 

When I went to London I saw a bus with a "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" advert. I even took a photo of this bus. This suggests that the movie was distributed quite well, throughout many cities.

The bus with "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" advert in London

A Poster with "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" advert in it

Friday 4 October 2013



Copyright has become a major topic of conversation in our culture today. As so many people download music, movies, and television off of the internet and often use this media to create new productions online. Though most of it is all in good fun, and can seem justifiable as media is so easily accessible yet so expensive to purchase for the amount that it is used.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Useful Links

Please have a look at this useful link. In here, you can find weekend box office!

''We help people of all ages to understand and enjoy film by running events and courses at BFI Southbank, by creating teaching resources, and by carrying out research and advocacy work. We encourage new audiences into the world of specialist, independent and archive film by sharing knowledge, techniques and critical approaches.''

Also, please, have a look at BBFC website!

The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/ DVDs since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984.

Monday 30 September 2013

How are films promoted and marketed


Movie marketing is also known as movie promotion. Every major Hollywood studio and movie distribution  company has an internal department devoted to promotion. The promotions department is responsible for designing and implementing an effective, cohesive advertising campaign across several different media platforms, including theatrical movie trailers, newspapers, magazines ,television, radio, the Internet and billboards.

Here is a really good web site ( which tells about UK movie distributing. Please if you have a free time, just have a look at it :)

Please, also watch the following video. It is a great example, how films are promoted and distributed!

How to find out which audience watch the films


Everyone has been in an audience. We have all been part of a group of people who come together to experience music, film, theatre or other live event. In media terms the audience is any group of people who receive a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place.

So how do you find which audience watch the films?

Audience research plays an important role for every media producers. Special companies are created in order to produce audience research for media producers, broadcasters, and advertisers. These research companies use a lot of methods in order to gather information from the audience. For example, questionnaires, focus groups, one to one interviewing, and electronic devices to find out about people’s life styles, as well as the type of products they want to buy.

Media producers spend a lot of time, energy, and money finding out who the audience for a media product might be. It’s a serious business, therefore, media producers want to know how the audience is made up, and what the audience wants to see.

Monday 23 September 2013

"Year Zero"

OFF 2011 Barcelona "Year Zero" (2011)

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible           
      - Arthur C. Clarke

The opening sequence of "Year Zero" is a some    kind of mental thriller, which quiet unusual, compared to other once. Honestly saying, once I saw this opening sequence, I just loved it so much, probably because of its strangeness. The authors and editors of this particular opening sequence, had very abnormal thoughts about how the sequence should go on. In my opinion the "strangeness" of the sequence only attracted more audience and created more charm. Also the "Year Zero" is not the film, it is only an opening sequence, however, I think you would love to watch this kind of psycho thriller !!

Another important thing that I wanted to mention, was the usage of credits. The credits were installed right inside the sequence, as the video goes on! (E.g. a tattoo was the name, as well as the wires on the ceiling. Please watch this sequence one more time and try to capture as many credits as you can.)

Images on how the "Year Zero" was created:

(Some Blueprints and Sketches)


300 (2006)

 300 (2006)             

 This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!
           —King Leonidas

Looking at the opening sequence of 300, I realized that the sequence has a lot of edditing in it. However, the edditing only makes the sequence much more better. The openig sequence has a lot of blood scenes! Of course what would you expect from an American action film. You would argue
that this is the sequence of 300 is not that good as other sequence that I put earlier, but I did this on purpose, in order to compare to sequences, so please,  just enjoy watching :)

The first part of the sequence looks pretty much
like some kind of comic book with some credits, however the amazing editing, as I have talked
about earlier makes the opening sequence even
more colorful and enjoyable to watch.

In the second part of the sequence there are only credits, but it allowed the creators to put all the necessary credits and extend the time of opening sequence!

Some Images to enjoy ;)

Thursday 19 September 2013

Se7en (1995)

Se7en (1995) 

This isn’t going to have a happy ending.
—William Somerset

 See the SE7EN sequence

The first impression after watching the opening     sequence of Se7en, is quite strange. The first thing that you can easily tell that it is not going to be a comedy or a romantic movie. It is very deep psychological thriller about a serial killer. The emotions that I got after watching this particular sequence was not very good. You can tell from this thriller that it is already start preparing audience, that they are going to watch a psychological thriller. Personally, I do not really like horror and thriller movies, however, after watching the opening sequence of Se7en I would watch this particular movie with a joy.

Here are some images of Se7en. In here you can find out the images how this opening sequence was created!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hello!! I am Andrey and this is my AS Media Blog!! I will be updating this blog, so I am hoping you are going to be interested in new stuff that I'm editing ;) Just keep an eye on updates. Thanks!