Monday 30 September 2013

How to find out which audience watch the films


Everyone has been in an audience. We have all been part of a group of people who come together to experience music, film, theatre or other live event. In media terms the audience is any group of people who receive a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place.

So how do you find which audience watch the films?

Audience research plays an important role for every media producers. Special companies are created in order to produce audience research for media producers, broadcasters, and advertisers. These research companies use a lot of methods in order to gather information from the audience. For example, questionnaires, focus groups, one to one interviewing, and electronic devices to find out about people’s life styles, as well as the type of products they want to buy.

Media producers spend a lot of time, energy, and money finding out who the audience for a media product might be. It’s a serious business, therefore, media producers want to know how the audience is made up, and what the audience wants to see.

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