Saturday 2 November 2013

Timeline of the title sequence

Timeline of the title sequences

We were given a model title sequence of a movie called "Juno". However, it was not just a regular analysis, it was fully analyzed timeline. By timeline, I mean that every single second of the sequence was examined and put on a line, with a description of what comes next. E.g. 7 casts from 45s -1:17.

Here is the timeline we were given as an example:

It is clearly visible, that this timeline was fully developed and well sketched. After that, we had to choose our own title sequence, and make our own timeline, according to example.

I chose the "Conjuring" title sequence, and this is what I analyzed and sketched:

Analization of the title sequence

As you may see, my timeline is quite similar, to the example, that we were distributed. What is
interesting about this title sequence, is that in 2:03 minutes, it has a lot of titles in it, which means that time was used very effectively.

I counted 21 titles with 11 casts in it. Casts did not take a lot of time, 00:51 - 1:25, the producesrs of this title sequence managed to put 11 casts in 34 seconds. As you may see on my timeline, the rest of the titles were who the film was directed by, produced by, who wrote the music for it and etc. Also you could notice that the title of the film had appered at the beggining and more towards the ending of the timeline, as well as, James Wann's name (the director).

Also you might have noticed from the timeline, that each cast takes from 5 to 9 seconds, than followed by another one. In this title sequence the casting credits appear in the middle, like in most tiltle sequences. Another important point is that towards the end, the name of the distributer company appers, indicating the importance of the distributer.

"The Conjuring" title sequence

The way the title sequence was set up, was a little bit strange. From the beginning, some kind of  "psycho" soundtrack was playing, then followed by family pictures and newspaper articles. This already suggests that the movie is not going to be happy.


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