Friday 31 January 2014

Further Plan

Yeah, I have to say something about my further steps in producing the title sequence. As you guys know, I have finished filming. Currently, I am on edditing satge. It would take 1-2 lessons to complete editing, after which I would be left only with music cration. Music is not the hardest part of my sequence, The music have to created an eerie feeling as it seemed to give a sense of being watched, highlighting the psychological thriller genre, like se7en. The amplified screams implies a sense of danger and insecurity, generating the idea of helplessness, additionally giving it a thrilling feeling. However, it is necessary to plan before I actually make it. 'Garage band' is the perfect app for creating a music for my title sequence. It has all the instruments and tunes which I need. So yeah, my further plan (once I finish editing) is music!! uhhhuhh how cool is that!!!

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