Thursday 30 January 2014

Filming finaly finished!

Ooooohhh, it is been a long time since I last updated my blog.

However, I have a reason for it. All those days, our lessons took place in Photography studio, where we were fillming our title sequences. I had to do a lot of job. First I had to plan carefully what and how I am going to film. As I said earlier in my posts, I used a dark room in Photography studio, where photos are developing. Also it was important to make sure I have all the props. I had to experiment with it, in order to see how it is going to look on the camera. It was quite decent, I have to admit:

If talking about camera work, My media studies teacher, Charlie, brought a special close-up lense, which I used in order to film my title sequence. The filter in the camera, which was used to shot se7en, is sepia which is made up of grimy and dirty browns, this makes the audience feel nauseous and uneasy, once again highlighting the psychological thriller genre, through the creation of the thrilling feeling. This lense allowed to see a little granuals of ink on the paper. I used the close-up lense,this created an amazing effect of something unusual. In the editing process, I would create a sepia effect, to make it familiar with Se7en title sequence:

It took about few weeks to finish filming the sequences I needed to produce my final work. However, I did not only used a close-up lense. I used a normal lense as well, to shot the sequences in the dark room, because the other lense was not suitable for this. Because it was dark in the room, and I could not turn the light on, because it would mess the shot up, I had to think how to make everything to be seen. As the solution to this problem, I used a little red light bulbs, in order to lighten up the room. Because my title sequence, suppose to be mysterious, the red light was very creative and suitable idea:

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