Friday 14 March 2014

Audience Response Questionnaire

In order to get audiences' feedback, it was necessary to crate some kind of questionnaire. The questionnaire that I created, however, differed from general one. In my questionnaire, I asked questions related to my opening sequence, as well as NOT related. For example, one of the questions was, ''How many films have you seen within the last 3 months?''. Within the people that completed my questionnaire, more than half of them were big film fans watching 5 or more films just within 3 months. Here is an example of my questionnaire:

As you may see on the photo, the questionnaire consisted of 8 questions,  the first 5 questions were so -called ''circle the answer'' questions, however the last 3, were a response questions. After the completion of my questionnaire, I compared the answers, and found out that most of the people circle "thriller" when I asked about the genre of my title sequence. This means that my product was quite successful. In addition, when there was a question about soundtrack, most of the audience said that the soundtrack matched the title sequence perfectly.

Here are examples of some responses:

So, according to these responses, I could say that the chosen classification (15/18 years old) also suited my title sequence. In addition, more than 90% of the people, who completed the questionnaire, gave me ration of 9 or 10 out of 10. Relying on the rating, given by the audience, the conclusion that my opening sequence was quite successful, could be made.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Audiences' Response

Audience response in terms of produced title sequence is very important for me. The judgement of the produced product is always necessary to make. I showed my finalised product to a my housemates. According to their judgement, I realised that my title sequence was quite successful.

According to the audience, I managed to film the title sequence in the right genre. They have mentioned that the video product fits the image of psychological thriller, and they expect it to be interesting and entertaining. They have also said that the colours that were used in the sequence suited the atmosphere, in which the title sequence was filmed. Colours such as red (the colour of blood) and beige (a calm and relaxed colour) made a good contrast in title sequence. According to the audience, the light also played a big role in the extract. The way the colour was distributed, looked very nice on the camera.

Throughout the title sequence, the amount of cuts was increasing, (as in original title sequence SE7EN). As audience mentioned, it crated an effect of unexpectedness. Also I mainly used a close-up shots, in my title sequence. The combination of both close-up shots and dissimilarity of colours made the title sequence unusual and compulsive.  I asked audience of what they think about camera work, and the response was surprising. They said that in total, the title sequence is good. However, in some moments, the camera work was random. They have also mentioned that the sound perfectly matched the video. "Because the sound was so random, it made it fun to watch", said one of my housemate.

The classification was also very important aspect in my title sequence. I believe my film should be classified as '15' because it may contain a lot of violence scenes as well as strong language being used from time to time. No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age. The audience, however, disagreed that the film should be classified as '15'. They believe the classification of the film should be '18', according to title sequence that I showed to them. I later explained to them that I want to make a so-called borderline '15' film, which means it will contain strong language, as well as violence and sex. This will allow the film to be in the borderline of '15' and '18'.

Monday 10 March 2014

    Produced Title Sequence (Draft Version)


So, I finally produced the title sequence, which you and me have been waiting for for such a long time. The duration of this title sequence is 2:17. Perhaps, this is too long. In addition, after the audiences response to my produced title sequence, I realised that the video is no, yet, finished. Audience shared their views about my title sequence, and according to peoples' views, I want to make my title sequence even better. So this is NOT my final version of produced title sequence, so please keep an eye on blog's updates!

Friday 7 March 2014

Testing the product

Testing the product and getting the audiences' response is a very important feature of researching technique of what can be done in order to make the title sequence even better. 

My title sequence is a psychological thriller, and if (please no) people say that it looks like a romantic comedy or some kind of love story movie that will mean that I totally failed the production of psychological thriller. There are a few ways how I could as the audiences' feedback. Make sure that your audience has a simple way to send feedback. Even better than that, ensure that they have several ways to contact you:

1)Written email
2)Website comments
3)Contact/feedback form
4)Social networks
5)Forum posts
6)Website chat
7) Eye-to-eye chat