Monday 30 September 2013

How are films promoted and marketed


Movie marketing is also known as movie promotion. Every major Hollywood studio and movie distribution  company has an internal department devoted to promotion. The promotions department is responsible for designing and implementing an effective, cohesive advertising campaign across several different media platforms, including theatrical movie trailers, newspapers, magazines ,television, radio, the Internet and billboards.

Here is a really good web site ( which tells about UK movie distributing. Please if you have a free time, just have a look at it :)

Please, also watch the following video. It is a great example, how films are promoted and distributed!

How to find out which audience watch the films


Everyone has been in an audience. We have all been part of a group of people who come together to experience music, film, theatre or other live event. In media terms the audience is any group of people who receive a media text, and not just people who are together in the same place.

So how do you find which audience watch the films?

Audience research plays an important role for every media producers. Special companies are created in order to produce audience research for media producers, broadcasters, and advertisers. These research companies use a lot of methods in order to gather information from the audience. For example, questionnaires, focus groups, one to one interviewing, and electronic devices to find out about people’s life styles, as well as the type of products they want to buy.

Media producers spend a lot of time, energy, and money finding out who the audience for a media product might be. It’s a serious business, therefore, media producers want to know how the audience is made up, and what the audience wants to see.

Monday 23 September 2013

"Year Zero"

OFF 2011 Barcelona "Year Zero" (2011)

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible           
      - Arthur C. Clarke

The opening sequence of "Year Zero" is a some    kind of mental thriller, which quiet unusual, compared to other once. Honestly saying, once I saw this opening sequence, I just loved it so much, probably because of its strangeness. The authors and editors of this particular opening sequence, had very abnormal thoughts about how the sequence should go on. In my opinion the "strangeness" of the sequence only attracted more audience and created more charm. Also the "Year Zero" is not the film, it is only an opening sequence, however, I think you would love to watch this kind of psycho thriller !!

Another important thing that I wanted to mention, was the usage of credits. The credits were installed right inside the sequence, as the video goes on! (E.g. a tattoo was the name, as well as the wires on the ceiling. Please watch this sequence one more time and try to capture as many credits as you can.)

Images on how the "Year Zero" was created:

(Some Blueprints and Sketches)


300 (2006)

 300 (2006)             

 This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!
           —King Leonidas

Looking at the opening sequence of 300, I realized that the sequence has a lot of edditing in it. However, the edditing only makes the sequence much more better. The openig sequence has a lot of blood scenes! Of course what would you expect from an American action film. You would argue
that this is the sequence of 300 is not that good as other sequence that I put earlier, but I did this on purpose, in order to compare to sequences, so please,  just enjoy watching :)

The first part of the sequence looks pretty much
like some kind of comic book with some credits, however the amazing editing, as I have talked
about earlier makes the opening sequence even
more colorful and enjoyable to watch.

In the second part of the sequence there are only credits, but it allowed the creators to put all the necessary credits and extend the time of opening sequence!

Some Images to enjoy ;)

Thursday 19 September 2013

Se7en (1995)

Se7en (1995) 

This isn’t going to have a happy ending.
—William Somerset

 See the SE7EN sequence

The first impression after watching the opening     sequence of Se7en, is quite strange. The first thing that you can easily tell that it is not going to be a comedy or a romantic movie. It is very deep psychological thriller about a serial killer. The emotions that I got after watching this particular sequence was not very good. You can tell from this thriller that it is already start preparing audience, that they are going to watch a psychological thriller. Personally, I do not really like horror and thriller movies, however, after watching the opening sequence of Se7en I would watch this particular movie with a joy.

Here are some images of Se7en. In here you can find out the images how this opening sequence was created!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hello!! I am Andrey and this is my AS Media Blog!! I will be updating this blog, so I am hoping you are going to be interested in new stuff that I'm editing ;) Just keep an eye on updates. Thanks!