Thursday 12 December 2013

Plannin' Title Sequence: The Creation of Props

Well, as I could say so far, the creation and development of the props is the most difficult thing in our title sequence. Because me and Mantas are creating a title sequence inspired by se7en, it was necessary to produce a lot of unusual props. As you have seen preveously in my posts, we already created the death certificate and the newspaper. However, to make it look creepy, firstly, we crumpled the paper and the streightened it using the iron. This was a very entertaininig process. After that, we put a little dye on both papers and let it dry. In the end we got amazing creepy documents , similar to which were used in Se7en title sequence.

Monday 9 December 2013

Promotion and Marketing of 'The World Of Tomorrow'

As you all know, from previous posts, me and my groupmate Mantas, are producing the title sequence for the film plan which I produced.
As an assessment we were asked to put some ideas about how our film is going to be PROMOTED and MARKETED.
In my opinion promoting a film is one of the most important things to do. In order to get the audience's attention, it is necessary to know the promoting techniques. You have to think about the genre of thr film (in my case it is drama/thriller) and waht age group it is going to attract. After you thought about it a lot of things need to be done.
Here are some promotion ideas, which I would use to promote my movie:
1) Print advertising. In my opinion this one of the most important promotion techniques. For example, you can make a deal with famous newspaper or magazine and stick some advertisements on their covers. This will allow readers to see the image of the movie.
2) Trailers. Using trailers is also very important to consider. A good trailer must be made to screen it in cinemas or TV's. Also it could be spread on radio, so people will listen the advertising, as well as see it in the newspapers.
3) Create Internet sites. The creation of useful website with all the information about the film (eg. release date, screening time, trailers) will attract more and more audience as the film will become more notiecable. As well as websites, a Facebook fan page could be crated. Facebook is the biggest social network in the world, so spreading the advertisements in the web would be very useful.
4) Merchandising . Merchandising is the creation of something unusual: comic books, t-shirts, food, soundtrack CDs, computer games, toys, cars, mobile phones, anything that can be associated with the brand of the movie could be produced. (for example, when 'Iron Man 3' came out, I bought a t-shirt, saying Marvel on it, as well as the image of Iron Man)
Also there are some more ways to Promote the film. The publicity department of a studio can use the talent (actors, director, screenwriter) attached to a movie (they have contractual obligations to do what the studio asks) and will try to gain maximum benefit from the following:
5) Star Interviews. Perhaps, this is the most important tecnique that could be used. Im my case, The stars in the movie, such as, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, and Ellen Page, could promote the film when they are being interviwed or at some film festivals. When someone such famous as Brad Pitt talks about the movie, and advertises it as well, more audience would want to see it.
The main difference about promotion and marketing, is that marketing is how you sell the product and promotion is how audience gets to know about the product. They are very closely linked.
Promoting a product involves activities like advertising, direct selling, or other ways of generating a sale. Selling or promoting a product is just a part of the marketing. Marketing involves a range of activities like market research, developing a new product, analysing market conditions which may effect the sale of a product and a lot more.
So in order to successfully market a movie, it is necessary to know a lot of things. For example, which age group, you would want to affect your movie! However when you have to think carefuuly for this one. 'The World of Tomorrow' is a thriller movie, however it is PG 15 not 18. This allows more audience to view the movie at cinemas, therefore more money could be made from it. The genre is also very important when market a movie.
This very useful website tells you everything about classification and how movies should be classified. 

Friday 6 December 2013

Risk Assessment

How to assess the risks in your workplace

Follow the five steps in our leaflet: Five steps to risk assessment .
  1. Identify the hazards
As you might think, it is a silly process of identifing the risks which may occur during filming. However, if you think about it, you might think of many!!! For example, as we use a lit of lights in our title sequence, and an ELECTRICAL SHOCK might occur. Also there is a possibility of TRIPPING AND BREAK YOUR NECK . In addition, we use STRING AND NIDDLE in our title sequence which might be dangerous

     2. Decide who might be harmed and how

Well, as you think about it, everyone could be harmed. For example, a cameraman could trip over and break his neck. Or we, by accident of course, might drop a string with the niddle, and some one could step on it. Basically everyone is in danger!!


     3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution

In my opinion, the possibility of those risks and hazards happening is very low. If somehow they would happen (and they wouldn't) there will be no any danger to your life. For example, stepping on the niddle is, of course, harmful, however, there will be no any danger!

Don’t overcomplicate the process. In many organisations, the risks are well known and the necessary control measures are easy to apply. You probably already know whether, for example, you have employees who move heavy loads and so could harm their backs, or where people are most likely to slip or trip. If so, check that you have taken reasonable precautions to avoid injury.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Plannin' title sequence DAY 1

So as we know what to do, me and my groupmate Mantas (click here for his blog), came up with a few ideas how exactly we are going to produce my title sequence. We tried to create a so-called production plan, so we can follow it step by step, in order to achieve the best.
According to the graphical representatiojn of the title sequence, there are several things that we need to foolow:
1)The location of filming. In order to produce, this title sequence, the location is not really that important. Perhaps, the most important thing to consider is lightning. Originally, title sequence  has to be dark and mesterious. In order to film this title sequence, we are going to use our college's Photography building, where we can find all the necessary props and li
ghts. I would repeat myself here, by saying that lightning is the most important thing to consider.
2)The props. The props that we needed were quite complicated. Mantas and I decided to create a list of props. These include: the death certificate, a old newspaper, very detailed notes, paper cut knife, black marker, a letter/post card, a needle with a string, a mans photo, and the introduction video of 21st century Fox production company. However, there were some props that we needed to create ourselves. Foe example, a newspaper article and the death certificate.(See the photos)
3)The equipments. In order to create this title sequence, several equipments are needed. For example, a computer with iMovie insalled on it (MacBook) and a camera, with a tripod to film the close-up shots successfully. Also we might need a dark room, like in our photography studio, (where images are developing) in order to film in a dark location!
4)People. The title sequence does not require a lot of people, which makes it much more enjoyable to make! We only need a person's hands. The title sequence is going to be fillmed by using close-up shots. (Check out the SE7EN title sequence to get an idea)

Monday 2 December 2013

Plannin' Title Sequence

So, we have decided to do a couple of title sequences, which we produced as a class. Mine was in that list!! When I was planning out how the title sequence is going to be filmed, I did not want it to be in several locations. However, in order to film this title sequencen, a lot of props are needed! Those include:
1)Computer with iMovie, Mac, in order to edit our filmed scenes
2)Actor (only one). However, to create a dark atmosphere, the actor have to be in the style of SE7EN title sequence.
3)Death sertificate, it appears in the biggining of title sequence.
4) Some documents and papers, with something spilled on them E.g. blood, ground, coffee
5) Some books, covered with the dirt
6) The video introduction represented by 21st century Fox