Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Final Version of Produced Title Sequence

For Examiner's notice: Please Watch in High Definition

Evaluation. Q1 - in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation. Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation. Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation. Q4 & Q5 - Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation. Q6 - what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Q7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Preliminary Task


Please watch it in HD

We have successfully filmed our first preliminary task,  according to the storyboard, which we had to draw. It was very fun making this film, because it was the first experience of producing a real film. In order to produce this video we had to use a range of shots, which we had to do in order to complete our task. . E.g "close-up shot", "middle shot", "shot - reverse shot". Also we used so-called filming rules, for example "match on action' and "180 degree rule".
While filming this video, I had the role oa cameraman, which I enjoyedm. However, it was quite difficult, for me, to not to break 180 degree rule. Of course, like any rule, the 180 degree rule can be broken, but like many rules, it's there for a reason and you have to try your best to not break it. Despite the fact with 180 degree rule, I got a lot of experince! Of course, there were a few moments when we had to refilm a few shots one more time, which is not a good thing, however you would not get a good video, if you only film it once!

While editing the film, me and my group mate Mantas (click here for his blog),  have cut all the unnecessary parts of the film, and tried to match all the shots, that we filmed, in order to avoid continuity error. We also wanted to put some sound effects on, but decided it is a bad idea, because it may ruin the original film. I think, that without the sound effects, our video look much better.

The Storyboard, which we used to make our film:

This is the actual Storyboard, which our film was based on. Please have a closer look at it and than compare this storyboard with our film! We chose this storyboard because it was not very complicated! As you see on the image, it  does not have a lot shots, which reduced the amout of work we had to do , in order to film it. When chosing the storyboard, it is also very important to consider how many props you might need in order to complete a film. In case, with this one, there were not a lot props at all, that we needed. Also the diologue, the characters had to say was nice and easy, and did not require any practice. As I was a cameraman, this storyboard was easy and fun to film, and I enjoyed it so much! 

My Storyboard:

It is my storyboard, which I drew. Unfortunately, I had to redraw it for a couple of times, because it did not meet the requirements. As you see, my final piece of art has all the necessary shots, which I had to draw in order to complete the given task. In here, I have close-up shot, shot-reverse shot (the hardest one to draw), mid shot, and long shot.


Shots that were used to make a video:


Shots in which the subject is tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale


Shot in which the subject is in the middle distance, permitting some of background to be seen.


A shot that views the action from the opposite side of the previous shot, as during a conversation between two actors, giving the effect of looking from one actor to the other.


Match on action is a technique of filming used in many sorts of films. It consisits of connecting 2 shots together in which a character finishes off an action in the second shot that was started in the first one. For example, in this case, in the first shot, you may see character slightly opening the door, and on the second image  we can see the same character slightly opening the door but from the different place. Both shots successfully match the action!